Thursday, January 6, 2011

One more SnG Turbo and thoughts.

After posting the last blog, I went to the tables and played another SnG turbo.  Having different players each time makes for a new strategy to best suit the table in general and the new players.

There was one player who was tight early on that turned into a loose players since the table was somewhat tight.  He had the chip lead after a few aggressive plays then plenty of chips to take out a couple of people with no risk of ending his play.  I tightened up my game even more when he started playing loosely after noting that from the showdown cards.  He had a comfortable 6x lead at one point to the second chip lead.  At this point, I can see that he will come along with 2BB bets, he tends to attack if you show weakness regardless of his hand, and you have to reraise him to get him off the hand if you think you have a better hand.  by the time we were down to three, he knew I was tight and only started with strong hands and stayed post flop with a good likely hood of winning (At least the ones i took to showdown).

To make a long story short I ended-up heads up with him, and he had the chip lead.  We ping-ponged back and forth a few times with some post flop plays at times where I'd tag along for cheap then fold his bet or raise it where I felt I had the lead on his wide range of hands, for the most part.

With my tight image and having an idea of what kind of player I'm up against, I decided to slow play the final hand after the flop in hopes of ending the game with this hand and not leave it to chance or allow him to double up.  I had almost 3x his stack and he is likely to push if I showed any sign of weakness from his previous play.  He did exactly that and put up his chips. Yes he could have had an Ace w a higher kicker, but that would have been OK here if I lost this hand (The full house came on the river to add salt to the wound).

Here is the game results from today.  He was SB and called the BB, I raised for 1xBB for the preflop option, he came along.  Flop AA5.  I hit Trips, he hit his 5.  I bet 2BB c-bet post flop, he called.  Turn is Q (now flush is possible).  I checked, and that's when he pushed, I called and that was the end.  I doubt this would happen in higher stakes, but it was fun to play.

Peace and profits to all.

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